Colts Cigars Whisky
About Colt Cigars
The brand was developed for the Canadian cigar market and has subsequently expanded into new geographies and categories of pipe tobacco and fine-cut tobacco. Its main cigar markets now are Canada, Poland and Czech Republic. In pipe tobacco, the brand has a strong presence in Nigerian and Spanish markets. Among other countries, Colts fine-cut can also be found in Japan, Australia, West Africa and South Africa. The cigar range is split between tipped cigars, filtered cigars and regular cigars. The Colts Pipe Tobacco portfolio is split between flavoured American mixtures and Dutch-style blends. The fine cut portfolio includes flavoured and unflavoured variants.
Fakename McAlias –
These are a guilty pleasure of mine. You can definitely find cheaper filtered cigars, but these are always easy and smooth smokes, and probably the most mild of the colt’s brand. The only downside is that the tip is sweetened. The pictures also need to be updated to reflect the new olive-green plain packaging and bands.