Padron Damaso N8
Padron Damaso N8 is a premium cigar produced by Padron Cigars, a highly respected cigar maker based in Nicaragua. This cigar is part of Padron’s Damaso line, which was introduced in 2015 and represents a departure from the company’s traditional full-bodied, full-flavored cigars.
The Padron Damaso N8 features a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, with a Connecticut-seed Ecuadorian wrapper that is smooth and creamy in texture. This combination creates a mild to medium-bodied cigar with a subtle and nuanced flavor profile.
The Padron Damaso N8 is named after its ring gauge, which is 54, and it measures 5 1/2 inches in length. It is handmade by skilled artisans using traditional techniques, and it is designed to provide a smooth and refined smoking experience.
Unlike Padron’s other cigars, which are known for their bold and intense flavors, the Damaso N8 is intended to be a more approachable and accessible cigar. It features notes of cream, cedar, and a slight sweetness, with a subtle spice that lingers on the palate.
Overall, the Padron Damaso N8 is a well-crafted cigar that offers a unique and enjoyable smoking experience. It is a great option for cigar smokers who prefer milder cigars, or for those who want to try something new from one of the most respected names in the cigar industry.
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