Gifting cigars is a time-honoured tradition that can signify friendship, celebration, and respect. Whether you’re giving a cigar to a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, following proper etiquette ensures your gift is well-received. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the do’s and don’ts of gifting cigars.
The Do’s
1. Do Know Their Preferences: Before selecting a cigar, try to understand the recipient’s preferences. If they’re experienced, they likely have favorite brands, flavors, or strengths. Pay attention to their past choices or ask discreetly to gather this information.
2. Do Choose Quality Over Quantity: It’s better to gift a few high-quality cigars than a large quantity of mediocre ones. A premium cigar, carefully chosen, demonstrates thoughtfulness and appreciation for the recipient’s enjoyment.
3. Do Include Accessories: Consider adding a cigar accessory to your gift. A cutter, lighter, or small humidor can enhance the overall experience and show that you’ve put extra thought into the present.
4. Do Present Them Nicely: Presentation matters. Package the cigars in a nice box or a cigar case. If you’re gifting a single cigar, a protective tube or a sleeve can make the gift feel more special.
5. Do Consider Special Occasions: Tailor your cigar choice to the occasion. Celebratory events like weddings, birthdays, or promotions might call for something more luxurious or rare. The context can help you choose the perfect cigar.
6. Do Include a Personal Touch: Add a handwritten note explaining why you chose these particular cigars. Personal anecdotes or well wishes can make your gift more meaningful.
7. Do Provide Proper Storage Instructions: If the recipient is new to cigars, include a note on how to store them properly. This can help ensure the cigars maintain their quality until they’re ready to be enjoyed.
The Don’ts
1. Don’t Choose Based on Price Alone: While premium cigars can be expensive, the most costly option isn’t always the best. Focus on the quality and suitability for the recipient rather than the price tag.
2. Don’t Assume Everyone Likes Strong Cigars: Not everyone enjoys full-bodied, strong cigars. If you’re unsure of the recipient’s preference, opt for a medium-bodied cigar that’s more likely to be universally appreciated.
3. Don’t Give Dry or Stale Cigars: Ensure the cigars you’re gifting are fresh and well-maintained. Avoid purchasing cigars from questionable sources or those that haven’t been stored properly.
4. Don’t Forget About Presentation: Handing over cigars in a plain plastic bag or without any protective packaging can diminish the impact of your gift. Always present them in a way that reflects the care and thought you’ve put into the selection.
5. Don’t Ignore Cultural or Personal Sensitivities: Be aware of any cultural or personal preferences regarding smoking. Some people may not appreciate cigars due to health, cultural, or personal reasons. It’s essential to ensure your gift will be well-received.
6. Don’t Overlook the Recipient’s Experience Level: A complex, full-bodied cigar might overwhelm a beginner. Conversely, a simple, mild cigar might not satisfy a seasoned smoker. Tailor your choice to the recipient’s experience level to enhance their enjoyment.
7. Don’t Rush the Selection Process: Take your time when choosing cigars. Rushing the selection process can lead to poor choices and a less thoughtful gift. Consider visiting a reputable tobacconist for advice and recommendations.
Gifting cigars is an art that requires consideration and thoughtfulness. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can ensure your gift is appreciated and enjoyed. Whether for a special occasion or just because, a well-chosen cigar can be a memorable and meaningful gesture.