Cigars have long been associated with luxury, celebration, and power. Throughout history, many famous figures have been known for their love of cigars, often making them a signature part of their persona. From world leaders to entertainment icons, cigars have been enjoyed by some of the most influential people in history. In this blog, we explore a history of famous cigar smokers and the cigars they preferred, shedding light on how these figures contributed to the enduring allure of cigar smoking.
Winston Churchill
One of the most iconic cigar smokers in history, Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War II, was rarely seen without a cigar. His preference was for the Cuban brand Romeo y Julieta, particularly the Churchill size, which was named in his honor. Churchill’s image, complete with his bowler hat and cigar, became synonymous with his strong leadership and indomitable spirit. His love for cigars was so profound that he even had custom cigar holders to manage his cigars during his busy schedule.
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was another famous cigar aficionado. His preferred brand was the Cuban H. Upmann Petit Upmann. Kennedy’s love for Cuban cigars was so strong that he reportedly ordered his press secretary to buy over 1,000 Petit Upmanns the day before he signed the embargo on Cuban products in 1962. This act not only showcased his fondness for cigars but also highlighted the significant cultural and political connections cigars had during his era.
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro, the Cuban revolutionary and political leader, was almost as famous for his cigars as he was for his politics. Castro’s preferred cigar was the Cohiba, a brand that was created specifically for him and other Cuban officials in the 1960s. The Cohiba quickly became a symbol of Cuban pride and quality. Despite later quitting smoking for health reasons, Castro’s association with Cohiba cigars left an indelible mark on the cigar world.
Sigmund Freud
The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, was rarely seen without a cigar. Freud smoked up to 20 cigars a day and believed that smoking helped him concentrate and relax. His favorite brand was Don Pedros, a Cuban cigar. Freud’s prolific cigar smoking was so integral to his image that it even found its way into his psychoanalytical theories, where he famously stated, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
In recent years, a modern brand inspired by Freud’s love of cigars has emerged, aptly named Freud Cigar Co. This brand seeks to honor Freud’s legacy by producing high-quality cigars that reflect his passion for the craft. Freud Cigars offer a range of blends that cater to both seasoned aficionados and newcomers, providing a contemporary nod to one of history’s most famous cigar enthusiasts.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger, the actor, bodybuilder, and former governor of California, is a contemporary cigar icon. Schwarzenegger’s love for cigars began in the early 1970s and has continued throughout his career. He is known to enjoy a variety of brands, but his favorite is said to be the Cohiba. Schwarzenegger’s cigar smoking is a well-documented aspect of his public persona, often seen celebrating with a cigar in hand in many of his movies and public appearances.
Al Capone
The infamous gangster Al Capone was also known for his love of cigars. Capone’s preferred brand was the White Owl, an American-made cigar. His association with cigars added to his image of wealth and power during the Prohibition era. Capone’s cigar smoking was often depicted in movies and literature, cementing the connection between cigars and the extravagant, rebellious lifestyle of the 1920s and 1930s.
The history of famous cigar smokers reveals a fascinating intersection of culture, politics, and personal style. From Winston Churchill to Arnold Schwarzenegger, these iconic figures have all contributed to the rich tapestry of cigar lore. Their preferred smokes, often legendary brands in their own right, have become part of their enduring legacies. At Cigar Chief, we celebrate the tradition and elegance of cigar smoking, inviting you to explore our collection and perhaps find a favorite smoke that aligns with one of these historical icons.