AJ Fernandez Cigars New World Cameroon Doble Robusto
- Size: 5 1/2 x 54
- Strength: Medium-bodied
AJ Fernandez Cigars New World Cameroon is a premium cigar made by the company AJ Fernandez Cigars. The cigar is made with a blend of tobacco from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, and has a Cameroon wrapper. It is known for its medium-to-full body and rich, complex flavor. Some reviewers have described it as having notes of spice, cedar, and nuts, with a smooth and creamy finish. Overall, it is considered a high-quality cigar that is well-suited for experienced cigar aficionados.
About AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ’s first collaboration with his Father Ismael is a nod to the discovery of tobacco by Christopher Columbus and its introduction to the rest of the world in 1492.
Raised in Cuba and steeped in the rich tradition of Fernandez cigar legacy, AJ Fernandez produces unparalleled premium cigars in Esteli, Nicaragua. Ensuring superior quality, the day-to-day operations at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez are managed under the watchful eye of AJ himself.
Through a fusion of inherited technique and learned patience, Fernandez’ long filler tobaccos are grown from prized seeds which are proprietary only to the Fernandez family. Perhaps the most essential quality of the AJ Fernandez line of cigars is the perspective and motivation of AJ, as well as the history of the Fernandez family.
squeebee (verified owner) –
Delicious, I got a strong s’more note around halfway through that hung on right down to the nub.