A Perfect Cigar the Caliber Cigar Co. Joint Service Robusto
Our premier regional collaboration, meticulously sourced, designed, and crafted for discerning enthusiasts. Since their inception in spring 2021, these cigars have been carefully aged in our Privada coolers, boasting over three years of maturation. Each cigar is a testament to quality and craftsmanship, featuring an exquisite Ecuadorian Habano wrapper (Corojo), a rich Nicaraguan Habano binder (Criollo), and premium fillers from Esteli, Nicaragua. Crafted in the esteemed Tabacalera factory in Esteli, these cigars promise a remarkable experience with every puff.
Perfect for enthusiasts of robust, full-bodied Habano cigars, Caliber Cigars not only deliver exceptional taste but also contribute to a noble cause. A portion of all proceeds is donated to K9s for Warriors in Jacksonville, supporting their incredible mission. With the cello now exhibiting a stunning copper hue, these cigars are an essential addition to your collection. #weareprivada
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