Colts Cigars Original
About Colt Cigars
The brand was developed for the Canadian cigar market and has subsequently expanded into new geographies and categories of pipe tobacco and fine-cut tobacco. Its main cigar markets now are Canada, Poland and Czech Republic. In pipe tobacco, the brand has a strong presence in Nigerian and Spanish markets. Among other countries, Colts fine-cut can also be found in Japan, Australia, West Africa and South Africa. The cigar range is split between tipped cigars, filtered cigars and regular cigars. The Colts Pipe Tobacco portfolio is split between flavoured American mixtures and Dutch-style blends. The fine cut portfolio includes flavoured and unflavoured variants.
ast –
I feel as of late , the quality has changed!!!! I am wasting because there is no drag to the cigar!! I end up having to waste…………
mekonnenhabtom (verified owner) –
I have no problem with order receiving on time good quality just one thing it always waiting time almost 5 month out off stock I don’t now it came back or discounting. services is 100% quality 100% never short with my order never missing any single cigar if short out off stock he give me back my credit don’t worry shopping with cigar chief 100% gerent 4 years have shopping no problem thanks for you give me good bossiness