Davidoff Cigars Winston Churchill Robusto
- Size: 5 x 52
- Strength: Medium
Davidoff Winston Churchill Robusto is a premium cigar made by Davidoff. It is part of the brand’s Winston Churchill series, which is named after the famous British statesman and cigar aficionado. The cigar features a rich and flavorful blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian tobaccos, wrapped in a savory Ecuadorian Habano leaf. The medium to full-bodied cigar has a complex flavor profile with notes of nuts, coffee, and leather, making it a perfect choice for the seasoned cigar aficionado. It is a robusto-sized cigar, measuring 5 inches in length with a ring gauge of 50. It is best enjoyed in the evening with a glass of your favorite spirit.
About Davidoff Cigars
Experience the Davidoff Winston Churchill Robusto with its harmonized flavors of leather, cream, spice, and dark coffee from tobaccos derived from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Mexico, coupled with the oily, silky wrapper from Ecuador, achieves a perfect balance of complexity and strength.
The slightly sweet notes of cedar in the Davidoff Winston Churchill – Original Collection pairs exceptionally well with a whiskey such as Glenmorangie or Macallan Amber.
Atsu KOMLAN (verified owner) –
A smooth one. Enjoyed every smoke :). A “valeur sûre”.