Lotus No.II
Lotus No.II is a premium cigar made by Lotus, a company that produces high-quality cigars. It is a medium-bodied cigar that is known for its smooth and creamy flavor with a hint of sweetness.
The cigar is typically packaged in a metal tin or iron box, which helps to preserve its freshness and flavor. The specific blend and flavor profile of Lotus No.II cigars may vary depending on the manufacturer and production run, but they are generally known for their consistent quality and flavor.
Lotus No.II cigars are made from a blend of high-quality tobacco leaves, which are carefully selected and aged to achieve the desired taste and aroma. The wrapper is typically a light to medium brown color and may have a slightly oily texture.
Mrkachink (verified owner) –
Smoking one while I review this. For starters it’s a nicely wrapped and pretty well packaged cigar, draw is nice and smooth not too tight, tastes naturally sweet no sweetened tip. Burns very evenly.