Montenegro Cigars, a beacon of luxury in the cigar industry, exemplifies the ethos of quality over quantity. Founded by two Beverly Hills investment strategists with a passion for premium cigars, Montenegro stands apart with its commitment to aging and organic farming. With a minimum aging process of 5 years for all tobaccos, and most exceeding 7 years, Montenegro ensures that each cigar is a masterpiece of flavor and craftsmanship. The farm, renowned for being the only known organic tobacco farm in the industry, forgoes pesticides, embracing a natural approach under the guidance of famed Cuban farmer Hector Luis Prieto. This dedication to purity and excellence means Montenegro accepts higher crop losses for unparalleled quality.
The President Gomez Series, named after the Cuban revolutionary and president, is a testament to Montenegro’s commitment to exceptional cigars. Born in Sancti Sparitus, the home of the seed for this cigar’s wrapper, President Gomez was a figure of controversy and change, mirrored in the bold and revolutionary flavors of this series. This 5.5—55 cigar, despite its extensive aging, retains a juicy character, brimming with intense chocolate notes, making it possibly the most chocolatey cigar to date.
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