The Persian Rug Aged 2+ Years
This is it. If you know, you know. A few months ago our site was attacked. Although the assailants were unable to get into our site, they did manage to reroute anyone who was going to our site to a website that sells Persian rugs. Actually, this exact Persian rug we made the band with. We could have found a much higher-resolution Persian rug print, but we wanted to remember this incident every time we looked at this cigar. And what a cigar it is. Folks, remember, when life gives you lemons, you must make lemonade. This will probably be one of the hottest cigars on social media this year, and after you smoke it, you are going to start your hunt for more. It is truly AMAZING. It is made in Costa Rica at a factory that shall remain nameless for now. The tobacco in this cigar is mostly Costa Rican but there is also something special in it that was cannot talk about. I hope it does not piss the hackers off even worse when this cigar is one of the more sought-after cigars in the game because lord knows I do not need any more headaches. But you asked for it, and here it is, the Privada Persian Rug cigar. I love all of you, and appreciate your messages, emails, membership, love, and support. #weareprivada
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