Boveda Humidity 58% Medium 67g
Curing and bagging by the pound? Every gram lost to evaporation is lost profit. Keep weight and quality up by using Boveda with dried cannabis. Boveda will slowly and precisely maintain a proper RH to preserve your flower’s flavor, aroma and experience.
Unlike distilled water and PG solutions with sponges, gels, crystals, and beads that will impart unwanted flavors on your cigars, Boveda’s reverse osmosis membrane only releases pure water vapor and Boveda will never damage through direct contact.
- 58% RH Boveda is perfect for slightly drier buds, joints and pre-rolls
- Prevents the evaporation of terpenes and weight
- Boveda is safe to touch flower
- Boveda retains quality, potency and efficacy for patients and rec consumers
- Adds and absorbs pure water vapor to maintain a precise relative humidity (RH)
Product Specs
- Boveda SKU: B58-67-OWC
- Individual Dimensions: 5.25″ x 3.5″
- Uses: For curing and storing, retains terpenes, prevents moisture loss
- Supports: Up to 1 lb. (450g) of cannabis
For more info, check out our Boveda Humidity Pack Guide & FAQ
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