Diamond Crown cigars by J.C. Newman Cigar Company are exceptional cigars made for cigar connoisseurs who want the finest quality products. These super-premium cigars are handcrafted by none other than the legendary Tabacalera Arturo Fuente. What’s more, Stanford Newman joined forces with Carlos Fuente Sr. to create the Diamond Crown playlist of cigars that we enjoy today.
For those of you who haven’t heard of the Arturo Fuente brand of cigars, it’s synonymous with unrivalled craftsmanship, which further bolsters the exceptional quality of J.C. Newman Company’s top-notch Diamond Crown cigars.
The Sterling History of Diamond Crown Cigars
Diamond Crown cigars are super-premium cigars manufactured by J.C. Newman Cigar Company. The company was founded in 1895 by Julius Caesar and maintained by his son, Stanford Newman. The first Diamond Crown cigars came out in the 1940s-1960s; these cigars were rich in flavour and hand-rolled in the United States (Cleveland, Ohio and Florida) featuring Cuban tobacco.
However, the Diamond Crown’s we know and love today made their debut in 1995 to commemorate the company’s 100th year; it was also a chance for Stanford Newman to honour the hard work of his father, Julius Caesar. To help recreate the iconic J.C. Newman cigar, Stanford enlisted the help of Carlos Fuente Sr. to make the Diamond Crown series of cigars. As a result, the new Diamond Crown cigars differ from their original version.
Diamond Crown cigars tobacco went from Cuban to Dominican Republic tobacco and are now handmade in the Dominican Republic by Tabacalera Arturo Fuente master rollers.
Superior Quality of Diamond Crown Cigars
The quality of a Diamond Crown cigar is unsurpassed, starting with how tobacco plants are grown—growers use donkeys and Old World traditions to plow the fields to prevent damage to the tobacco leaves. Additionally, growers don’t use chemicals on the tobacco plants (only organic compounds), and they monitor the microelements in the soil using GPS tracking for healthier plants. All of these strategies guarantee that the plants are of the highest quality for a better smoking product.
When growers harvest the tobacco, it’s then aged for 5+ years; this involves fermenting leaves in a barn, utilizing temperature control, using oak barrels, having three quality control inspections, and finally, going to a cedar room to finish ageing.
The final product features a 54 ring size, meaning 6-7 leaves are rolled into a Connecticut Fermented Wrap by skilled cigar makers to create a savoury and complex smoke unlike any other.
The Diamond Crown Legacy
Diamond Crown cigars are one of the highest-rated cigar brands ever made. Here are some of the brand’s crowning glories:
- Cigar Aficionado:
- 22 cigars rated 90+
- 102 cigars rated 85+
- Cigar & Spirits: Cigar of the Year 2017
- Cigar Snob: 92
- Smoke Magazine: 93
- Cigar Insider: 93
- Cigar Journal: 94
Why We Enjoy Diamond Crown
Unprecedented Quality
When you light this super-premium cigar, you’re met with the fragrant aroma of sweet cedar and then the dueling sweet and smokey flavours. However, Diamond Crown cigars’ exceptional taste and unprecedented quality are what sets them apart from its competition. The cigar’s high quality is thanks to J.C. Newman’s growing standards; plants receive the finest nourishment and, in turn, produce excellent quality leaves.
Diamond Crown cigars are an extraordinary savoury smoking cigar, suitable for any connoisseur.
When selecting the perfect Diamond Crown cigar for your smoking needs, we have a wide selection of sizes from the 5″ x 52 Diamond Crown Julius Caesar 1895 to the full-bodied 6 ¾” x 54 Diamond Crown Maximus Double Belicoso.
Available at Cigar Chief
The best place to get Diamond Crown cigars in Canada is at Cigars Chief. So if you’ve been hunting for the best quality cigars at guaranteed unbeatable prices, then it’s time to make Cigar Chief your destination for anything cigars!