Davidoff Cigars Signature 2000
- Size: 5 x 43
- Strength: Mild
About Davidoff Cigars
One of our bestselling cigars, the Davidoff Signature 2000 reveals clean, balanced flavors of wood, earth, with fresh floral scents and a creamy aftertaste. This timeless corona format, with a slightly wider gauge affords the aficionado a bolder experience featuring a higher percentage of piloto tobacco.
Davidoff Signature cigars with their notes of coffee are exceptionally paired with an aromatic, milk coffee as well as an elegant champagne, or a lightly peated whiskey.
ray.plagasse (verified owner) –
What can I say…..over 50 years of smoking Cigars it still my go to CIGAR…
Ray. lagasse (verified owner) –
The Davidoff Signature 2000 is refined, balanced and well tempered (medium strength), The true magic of this cigar is behind the curtains or more accurately hidden behind the retrohale. A true gem in the Davidoff lineup.
b.petrenko3 (verified owner) –
Was a mild cigar for sure but still a good smoke. Burn was very good but had a tight draw unfortunately. Personally will go for a stronger stick next time
damanxeo (verified owner) –
Rolles well but very basic cigar. Burned even, flavor was good at the start but the aroma fell flat after several minutes. For $30 ill be skipping this one off my list. Might try another line from Davidoff some other time but it won’t be this 2000 line.
diodebrito (verified owner) –
Great Cigar! I have to add though for this price I would expect the Davidoff cigar ribbon as in photo ;0)