Jopito Corona by Privada
“The legendary Kelner family, revered for their pivotal role in the development of the iconic Davidoff cigars and renowned tobacco cultivation in the Dominican Republic, has joined forces with the progressive Privada Cigar Club in an exclusive collaboration honoring the esteemed patriarch, Jopito Kelner. This collaboration has resulted in the extraordinary “Jopito” cigar, a limited-edition release of twenty-five Coronas, each meticulously handcrafted and encased in the distinctive Meerapfel African Cameroon wrapper – the most expensive wrapper in the cigar industry.
Every cigar is filled with Dominican-grown tobacco from the exclusive Kelner family’s farms and carefully encased in the exclusive Meerapfel leaf, which has its roots in the rich soils of Africa. “My father and his brothers grew some of the world’s most exceptional tobaccos for discerning smokers across Europe and America,” says Johannes Kelner. “To honor my father, Jopito Kelner, and his enduring legacy, we are releasing the ‘Jopito.’ This tribute cigar is the same blend they enjoyed daily, originally blended by famed Eladio Diaz, procured from the same rich farmlands and cultivated by the same dedicated families, and then rolled by Victor De La Cruz at his factory in Tamboril. Victor was also part of the original Tabadom Factory team.”
Each ‘Jopito’ cigar, a Corona measuring 53/4×44, is an embodiment of tradition and supreme craftsmanship, filled with premium Dominican Republic tobacco and wrapped in a rich Cameroon leaf. The blend, crafted under the watchful eye of master blender Eladio Diaz, is a legacy recipe revered by the Kelner family and hitherto unshared since Jopito’s passing. With notes of apricot, cedar, and cinnamon set against undertones of charred wood, the ‘Jopito’ offers an enticing flavor profile for the true cigar connoisseur. Floral berries and hints of lemon further enrich the sensory experience.
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