Padron Principe Natural
The Padron 1964 Principe Natural is a premium cigar produced by Padron Cigars, a renowned Nicaraguan cigar manufacturer. It is part of the 1964 Anniversary Series, which was created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the company.
The Principe Natural is a smaller-sized cigar, with a ring gauge of 46 and a length of 4.5 inches. It is handcrafted using the finest aged Nicaraguan tobacco for both the filler and the binder, and is finished with a natural Nicaraguan wrapper.
This cigar is highly regarded for its smooth and balanced flavor profile. It has a medium-bodied strength, with notes of cedar, cocoa, and a subtle sweetness. The aging process of the tobacco used in the cigar helps to produce a complex flavor profile that is both rich and refined.
The Padron 1964 Principe Natural is also known for its exceptional construction. It has a perfect draw, an even burn, and produces a pleasant aroma. As with all of the cigars in the 1964 Anniversary Series, the Principe Natural is produced in limited quantities, which adds to its exclusivity and desirability among cigar enthusiasts.
Overall, the Padron 1964 Principe Natural is a high-quality cigar that is perfect for those who enjoy a shorter smoke. Its consistent quality and smooth flavor profile make it a favorite among cigar connoisseurs.
About Padron Cigars
This limited production 45 Years Family reserve cigar comes in a 10-count package of box-pressed cigars, available in both Natural and Maduro wrappers. This cigar is made with tobacco aged 10 years.
Founded in 1964 and evolving throughout our history, the Padrón Series today consists of fifteen medium to full-bodied, long-filler cigars ranging from Panatelas to the large “A” size Magnum.
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