Established in 1995 in Little Havana, Miami, FL, El Titan De Bronze Cigar Mfg. is a beacon of handcrafted cigar excellence. Their Level 9 rollers, with backgrounds in renowned factories like Romeo y Julieta, Corona, and Partagas, craft cigars in the traditional Cuban style, including entubado filler tubing and a distinct triple cap.
Daily tasks undergo a rigorous inspection by a Master Roller/Blender to ensure aficionados get the highest standard. Located in Little Havana on Calle Ocho, El Titan De Bronze embodies the spirit of Havana, Cuba. The factory’s namesake, Antonio Maceo Grajales, the Bronze Titan, symbolizes dedication to craftsmanship. Maceo’s motto, My duties to country and political convictions are above all human effort, mirrors the factory’s commitment to exceptional cigars.
Annually, El Titan De Bronze collaborates with a traditional cigar factory for a limited run. The familial ambiance and content rollers result in magical, collectible masterpieces. Inspired by motifs like Prince’s Raspberry Beret, the band design, with pioneering 3D gold foil, adds uniqueness. The exclusive client list, being the last new client accepted by the esteemed factory, highlights the rarity and value of these sought-after collectibles in the cigar world.
paymentwilliam –
This cigar smokes like a chimney and puts out tons of flavourful smoke! It’s got that very characteristic cubanesque taste from that factory el titan de bronze in Miami Florida! I love the name of the cigar and that reference to the famous singer prince!