Blackbird Cigar Co. introduces the Caballo 500 Lonsdale, exemplifying that meticulous craftsmanship can eliminate the need for extended aging. This revelation comes for Papo, Davidoff’s fastest and most skilled roller, known for crafting 500 cigars in a single eight-hour shift. For more insights, check out our interview with Papo and Jonas on our Youtube page.
The Caballo 500 Lonsdale is the inaugural cigar produced at Blackbird’s new state of the art factory, and it ranks among the finest cigars I’ve experienced from the Dominican Republic. Its flavor profile is remarkably distinctive, reminiscent of sophisticated Thai cuisine or a premium margarita, making each smoking session unique and unforgettable.
This blend achieves its complex character by combining a Sumatran wrapper with a Nicaraguan binder and Dominican fillers. The result is a balanced, full-bodied cigar that offers depth with each puff. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to cigars, the Caballo 500 Lonsdale promises a rich and engaging smoking experience that showcases the best of modern cigar craftsmanship.
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