La Lealtad Toro Box-Press Aged 5+ Years
I was not lying when I said this is the year of age. It’s very rare that people have access to professionally aged cigars but #weareprivada. I found this cigar about 3 years ago. I was working with a guy in Tampa Named Jorge who owns Tampa Cigars and works with multiple factories across Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. He was formerly with another brand called Geronimo which some of you may remember as Jorge was responsible for creating the Dunkin blend. This is not a cigar that he made for his company but one he found in a small factory in Jalapa Nicaragua. Thankfully Jorge called us first. Privada was already known for sourcing aged cigars at this point and he thought it was a home run fit for us. I loved the cigar. It was a little rough around the edges back then but I knew with time, and pro aging, this could be a special stick. Most cigars that come direct from the factory are exposed to high levels of humidity the moment they leave the aging rooms. Tropical climates and rain half the year make it near impossible to keep a cigar at peak smoking condition. 2 years at the factory and 3 years with us, using the Privada Method of two way humidity packs and coolers. And without further adieu, I give you the La Lealtad. P.S. this may be packaged under DEADSTOCK Cigar Company when they are sold in the shop. Deadstock is how we package aged cigars that were made for other brands in our online shop.
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