Meet the two young men from the Dominican Republic who have taken the cigar industry by storm with their latest creation, Narcos RL. These two partners have previously brought us legendary cigars in the Privada lineage such as Capos and Burnot. Narcos RL made its way to the United States over a year ago, but what sets it apart from other cigars is the aging process. Privada Cigar Club typically plans their cigars 6-18 months in advance and ages them for years before releasing them. The Narcos RL cigar has already been aged for 2 years at the factory and now an additional 3 years with the Privada method. Smoking such a cigar is an honor and a testament to the patience and care put into the aging process. In a world where cigars are often rushed to meet demand, Narcos RL is a reflection of the new wave of cigar makers emerging from the Dominican Republic. They are now competing with Nicaragua to reclaim the throne they once held. If you want to show your support for these talented cigar makers, head over to their Instagram account at rl.narcoscigars or send an email and we’ll be sure to forward it to them. Experience the excellence of Narcos RL and witness firsthand the passion and skill behind its creation.
Brand | Privada |
Length | 5 |
Ring Gauge | 50 |
Size | Robusto |
Wrapper | Undisclosed |
Binder | Undisclosed |
Filler | Undisclosed |
Country | Dominican Republic |
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