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The Cigar Chief
The finest collection of cigars from around the world, from Canada’s #1 cigar shop. Buy cigars of the highest guaranteed quality, for great guaranteed prices, all in one place. We guarantee the quality and prices of all our products, from Cuban cigars to non-Cuban brands. All Cuban cigars come from Habanos S.A.—the official manufacturer and exporter of Cuba. When you buy cigars from us, the process is like our products: smooth and easy.
Canada’s Most Popular Cigar Brands
Whether you’re looking for Cuban cigars, cigars from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras or other popular cigar ports, when you buy cigars at our cigar shop, you are guaranteed the best. Guaranteed quality, price and delivery—no exceptions.
Montecristo No. 2 November Raffle
This month we are giving away a box of 25 Montecristo No.2 Cubans! The Montecristo No.2 is one of the most popular Cuban cigars ever. Powerful from the start with rich woody flavors and produces a wonderful creamy smoke. It’s one of the finest cigars ever made and will be a fine addition to your collection.